Coming Soon !
New Ham Radio Logger Software - LY2VM Logger
LY2VM Logger is ultimative software for radioamateurs and SWL.User friendly, easy configurable interface allows to start using software in few minutes.
Software features :
- Can be started from USB flash or external drive.
- Doesn't need instalation.
- Presetted windows and macros for first software start.
- Unlimited number of log databases can be used - on start software will ask which one to select.
- Different profiles for different users, modes and etc.
- Manual or auto backups of all databases - one backup to folder where software exists, another to user defined location.
- Import to logger from ADIF file or other database.
- Export log to ADIF file.
- Stand alone software for logger repairing.
- Internet status indication - if internet is OFF all internet services (dx cluster, call search) and etc. are automatically dissabled. Internet OFF mode can be switched manually.
- QRZ.COM(paid and free), QRZ.RU, HAMQTH.COM and CALLOOK.INFO search engines for fast call lookup.
- QSO uploading to EQSL, LOTW,,, QRZ.COM and
- QSO confirmations download from EQSL and LOTW. EQSL card can be downloaded from EQSL server.
- Super check partial databases for calls - master.dta file type supported.
- CW-Voice Machine with 24 hot keys.
- Radio and rotator controls (for radio control OmniRig is used).
- Time synchronization using SNTP.
- Radio audio recording for voice macros - playback.
- Interoperation with external softwares - CW Type, CW Get, CW Decoder, CW Skimmer, WSJT, JTDX, MSHV, DM780 and FLDIGI.
- Internal Awards module is not finished yet - external award softwares like Award Tracker and Ultimate AAC are supported. Module will be realised, when software will start officialy.
- 17 modern looking skins.
Different setups for different uses
For more information about units used by LY2VM Logger please visit "Screenshots" section.